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Fed up with coughing
and wheezing,
itching and sneezing ?

We can help !
We specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of allergic disease. We can help you determine if you have an allergic condition and then identify the particular antigens that provoke it.
So that you may benefit the most from your immunotherapy, we custom make an antigen formula according to your skin tests, history of allergen exposure and your current environment.

Many of our patients are highly allergic and must start their treatment with a very weak dilute solution of their formula. It is important to come in often at first so that we may rapidly increase the dose.

To get the best results, try to get up to the strongest dose you can tolerate, then you can come in less often. Avoid getting stuck at a low, ineffective dose. If you attend infrequently we are unable to safely increase your dose.
Allergy Testing

Effective treatment of allergic disease depends on accurate identification of the offending antigens. Often these are substances such as wind-born pollen from grasses, weeds and trees. We use skin testing on the arms with the Multitest device for rapid allergy diagnosis and RAST testing of blood samples when appropriate.